5 Reasons Every Home Should Have the Best Air Purifiers

Every home must have an air purifier due to the ever-deteriorating environmental conditions. A typical air purifier for home uses a wide range of air circulation technology for filtering out the common contaminants that can be harmful for your family. If you are looking for more reasons to get yourself an air purifier, you should consider these 6 reasons.

1. Eliminating Air Contaminants
The latest air purifier systems are designed to remove harmful air contaminants from your home interiors. Most people don’t know that the air in their homes can have 2 to 5 times higher concentration of air pollutants than the outdoors. The right purifier can eliminate dust, smoke, chemicals, pet dander, and mold.

2. Removing VOC
Most people don’t know what VOCs mean, but these harmful chemicals can be released by a variety of items you already have in your home. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are compounds with high vapor pressure and are mostly emitted by paints and other types of coatings on items in your home. If you are exposed to these fumes for long, they can increase the risk of serious health conditions. Make sure to choose the best air purifiers that can remove VOCs from your home.

3. Eliminate Germs
Regular cleaning and vacuuming is not just enough to make your home germ-free. The right air purifier for home can help in preventing a wide range of illnesses related to germs. These purifiers feature special germicidal filters to eliminate most of the germs.

You can also find air purifiers that can help kill mosquitoes. This can mean that you will no longer have to use the conventional chemicals-based mosquito repellants that cause you to inhale harmful compounds. Most people don’t know that some types of air purifier India can in fact kill mosquitoes too.

4. Producing Negative Ion
The best air purifiers can also produce negative ions that neutralize positive ions and thus help in fighting air pollutants and common allergens. The result is that the air quality improves significantly and you can enjoy many health benefits.

5. Removing Odors
This is the most common reason why people prefer using an air purifier in their home. The right air purifier works by removing unpleasant odors by using carbon filters. This function can be beneficial if you have a smoker in the family. It can also remove odors coming from the kitchen.

A typical air purifier for home is designed for removing contaminants so that you can breathe in pure air. It can help keep everyone in the family healthier, but the benefits can be manifold for those who already have some existing respiratory problems. The health benefits of having an air purifier in your home and workplace include reduced trouble due to respiratory conditions, improved sleep, and peace of mind. Some air purifiers can also help in reducing cortisol levels. This can mean reduced stress and feeling more relaxed. Thus, the results can be far reaching. You will be able to create a healthier environment and also improve the inhabitants’ efficiency and productivity in their chores or jobs.

How To Boost Immunity Power And Improve Resistance To Infections?

Either knowingly or without your knowledge, you might have taken many foods that are capable enough to improve your immunity health. The thing to remember here is that the healthy functioning of the immune system is something that is important for the humans to stay protected against many illnesses. The immune system is actually compared to that of a soldier that protects the nation. This system protects the humans from external stressors and infections. It fights against a wide range of viruses, pollutants, toxins and bacteria on a daily basis to help us stay healthy and to lead a disease-free life. To improve resistance to infections, this system should be strengthened. How is this possible? Let us find out here:

With Imutol capsules:

It is possible to get the safest answer to the question ‘how to boost immunity power’ with the help of Imutol capsules. These capsules are natural immunity boosting supplements with the combination of the best herbs. Apart from certain herbs added as ingredients in these capsules, processed decoction of some herbs are also added and let us get into the details of the herbs present as ingredients to improve resistance to infections:

Daruharidra: It is particularly known for its efficiency in addressing allergies. It is known to address problems like urinary issues. According to ayurvedic texts, this herb is the best known for its ability to support the immune system.

Haridra: It is identified as a super spice as it possesses a wide range of properties to improve human health. It is known for its cardiovascular properties, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions. In addition, it is an anti-cancer herb and it is also an antibiotic. Furthermore, it can improve liver health and it has digestive and energy-clearing properties. With a wide range of benefits and properties, this spice can provide an excellent answer to the question ‘how to boost immunity power’.

Neem: This herb is known for its natural healing properties and it has immeasurable medicinal properties. It is known to boost health, and it destroys skin diseases. As it is anti-infective, it can strengthen the immune system by getting rid of microorganisms that affect the healthy functioning of immune system. It can also prevent infections and this is why it is added as an important ingredient in Imutol capsules to improve resistance to infections.

Kutki: It is identified as a liver tonic as it will help with getting rid of toxic liver and it can improve liver functions. When the liver functions well, all toxins present in the body will be effectively removed from the body by the liver. This, in turn, will contribute towards a healthy immune system to prevent future infection, rather than fighting against toxins that are already present in the body. So, to provide the safe answer to the question ‘how to boost immunity power’, it is added to Imutol capsules.

Chitrak, anatmul, swarna bhasma, tulsi, abhrak bhasma, shatavari and kesar are other herbal ingredients in these capsules to improve resistance to infections. There is decoction of some herbs in these capsules to bring the safe answer to the question how to boost immunity power.

Natural Factor Magnesium Citrate: Supplementation in Body

Natural factor magnesium citrate is very easy to swallow it. The citrate form is well absorbed and tolerated in the body and it is also good for hundreds of enzymes reaction in the body and for normal heart function. Natural factor magnesium citrate is also good for protein synthesis,carbohydrates metabolism proper muscle functioning and it will also help to absorb calcium and potassium. Magnesium is well known as a vital component of in hundreds of enzymes reaction and more health benefits which is attributed to it than any other mineral including calcium. Magnesium and calcium are well absorbed in citrate form.

Citrates are well absorbed especially when taken in an empty stomach. Magnesium an electrolyte which helps absorption of calcium, phosphorus, sodium and even potassium. It is also required for Vitamin B to work properly therefore necessary for utilization of thiamine. It is also necessary for growth, wound healing, immune system function, temperature regulation and other activities of the brain and the nervous system work.Lack of magnesium intake in body gradually creates magnesium deficiency in the body. Factors like stress and excess calcium intake can still deplete magnesium, making the body to have magnesium deficiency.

So calcium interferes with absorption of magnesium in the body. Both can be taken in a balance form to prevent imbalance which can contribute to bone loss. On the other side serum cannot detect magnesium deficiency since it is correlated with total body magnesium. At this time magnesium in the body is in the bones and inside cells. The cell can lack magnesium even when the serum level is normal. So the best way is to test red blood cells magnesium which will measure the level of magnesium inside those cells.

Natural factors magnesium citrate is one of Canadian products which are obtained naturally for health supplement. You can purchase natural factors from vitasave.ca, which is one of the most dominating natural supplements site online in Canada and has been selling high quality, natural supplements for a long time. We still have many other supplements at discounted prices as high as 30% and free shipping.